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I dug my own grave

I always have dreams almost every night (falling or jumping from high places, losing all my teeth,  dreaming of being late at school, etc) but this dream is different. It's like I’m aware I’m dreaming but there’s nothing I can do to wake up or to make it stop. I was 15 or 16 at the time. I was in a boarding house near my school and I have 4 roommates. The 4 of us share the same room, the room has 2 bunk beds. We have our own restroom and a kitchen. For 4 - 5 days I keep on dreaming of my college Professor whom I dislike. He is so bossy and loves to order us around to do things that are not school related. In my dream, he’s shouting at me and ordering me to carry different things. On the first night, I was carrying a lot of books. Next night I was carrying garden tools like a shovel, watering can, gloves, and plant seeds. This continued for 2 - 3 nights and every time I woke up my arms hurt and they were shaking as if I carried heavy stuff. I am so confused why am I dreaming of him!


Hi Welcome to My Daily dose of anxiety

I had this blog for a while now (since 2017), I must say I'm not good at it but I'm trying my best to keep myself busy.

My daily dose of anxiety was originally a blog for the poems I made when I was younger (15years old).  Most of them have massive grammar lapses which I now try to fix.

However, since English is not my first language the lapses are still there but the important thing is you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

Due to the quarantine, and recent life experiences I'm now sharing detailed information regarding my life. This blog also helps me with my anxiety and rage. Here I can share my ideas and whatever is on my mind, it's like a freedom board where I can be me.

None of the people I know, knew this site so if you stumble to this page, welcome to my world.

Also doing lot of stuff to keep me busy.

- Wicked WaSSabi